Extra thoughts written in my little book whilst on the tour in Europe …
hat strikes me is how we are all the same! Our streets, systems, order, our shared sense of routine. We all eat at the same times, wear the same clothes, sleep in the same way.
We all have the same name, letters different maybe, but a short tag in a slightly different flavour; Children walking in snake like lines 2 by 2 as if slithering into Noah’s Ark, conforming in the same way, non-conforming in the same way; pick pocketing in the same way. A cast iron cauldron of global ingredients from the same family with slightly changed texture or taste, size or symmetry.
We all live in houses, drive cars, cycle bikes. We all have glass windows, front doors, personal belongings. We all have family, friends and loved ones. We all have the same hands and feet. We may live and die in different countries but we do it in the same way.
So the question is why do we want to focus on being so utterly different from one another? Same blood, same earth under our feet, same sun, moon, sky, stars.
Why can we not celebrate being the same?
Just imagine if we all woke up one morning and collectively thought, ‘My word, we are all the same!’ The consequence of this would be immense. If we are all the same, then we are all part of the same one and if we are all part of the same one then why would there be a reason to hurt ourselves? There would be no justice for fighting, stealing or beating ourselves; no explanation for jealousy hatred or loathing for where is the use in expressing these things to another if they are the same and part of us?
Some animals already get it! Take the bee colony. It understands that it is ONE or the dolphin; she swims as one with the ocean, or the tree that grows at one with the soil. It doesn’t go out of its way to cause the soil pain. Why would it!
Any creature that believes itself to be more important than the universe is at risk of self destruction. It is conceited to think we are the keepers of the earth. We are not keepers, we ARE the earth. It is almost too big for us to comprehend that we are so small.
Green, yellow,
red, orange, brown,
but still leaves
Still falling, falling