Friday, 30 December 2011

Anne Frank's House

... And just as I thought I couldn’t be anymore inspired, as the canal boat turned the corner, the guide said, ‘And this is the house of Anne Frank …’ which is now a museum. I went cold and without any warning I felt myself weeping, tears fell down my face. She had played here on this cobbled street, looked out of these windows, no doubt cycled along these paths. The guide told us that Anne’s Father had been interviewed and asked why he had allowed publication of something as personal as his daughter’s diary and he had said that it was her childhood dream to become a published writer. I was so moved by this:

A poem written by Cheryl Beer whilst passing Anne Frank’s House

Collecting Beautiful Sentences

He asked, Sweet child
When you grow older
What do you think
You will do?

She said, Papa
I will collect with my pen
Beautiful sentences
Telling and true
The journalist calls
Readers enthralled
My words threaded
Like beaded jewels

Dear Child,
A writer such as you
Can hold a dream
That may split the seam
Life is not always as we dreamt it
Once true

Oh papa, she laughed
Your wisely old words
Fall like stars sewn
To the soles of my feet

Dream slumber outnumbered
By nightmares encumbered
Engraved on canal cobbled streets
A young girls’ daily retreat

Secrets leaked
Like blood from her pen
Etched into life’s paper chase
Her closest friend

And now, just as then
Tombstone stooped
Brick built, eyes green framed
Lest we forget
An attic forlorn by fame

Such can be the bitter taste
Of dreams come true

They asked
Why did you share her diary?
Her hope, fear, panic and pain
Why did you look
Why did you
Open her book

Papa hung his head and said
Let me explain

It’s my last gift for my little girl
The last thing that I can do
To leave her memory as a writer
Peace campaign fighter
Make her childhood dreams come true

I won’t see her skip through tulip fields
Or float on the canal with the wind
I won’t see her grow
And in my heart I know
Her story shares more than I can give

Through her words
My Anne can live
In the memories burned
And the lessons learned

Out of the mouth of this babe
Rings a message so close and true
We must teach those who come
To live and love each other as one
Be they Dutch, German, Nazi or Jew

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