Friday, 30 December 2011

Poetry in Pisa

We took time out to zip to Pisa! How can you go to Italy without seeing it! I have been enthralled by it since I first saw it in a book as a small child. It was far out! My only feeling was that it felt somehow wrong that such a wonderful cultural and historical piece of architecture would be surrounded by so many stalls filled with cheap trinkets and travelling sale people trying to persuade you to buy a hand drum or hand bag! Right outside the gate in a re-furbished old building is Mc Donald’s! Yes, Mc Donald’s! But if you find a quiet place, close your eyes and ignore the ugliness of 21st Century Capitalise, you can really appreciate the enormity of where you are.

A poem written by Cheryl Beer sat underneath the Leaning Tower of Pisa

Tell the people
We might be built differently
But we won’t fall down
Not until we are ready
Not until it’s our time to fall

Build me a tower
So tall
That Kings and Queens
And one and all
Will travel far
To dress and dine
For Summer time
And Italian wine

With columns built
On wooden stake
Stacked higher than
A wedding cake

And build they did
On marsh soil
Foundations soon
To twist and coil
And sink into the boggy earth
Giving birth …
To a sinking feeling!

Then make it stand
With greater weight
One side to other
Make it straight

So build they did
Columns longer
Weighing more
To stretch it out
From top to floor

But still it beat
Their human thinking
Engulfed by nature
And still sinking

A hundred years
A hundred more
They could not
Stand by and ignore
Their beauty tall
About the land
Losing her height
In soft quick sand

More than a lifetime’s conundrum!

So fill her boots
With heavy lead
Tie her down
Concrete instead
Of wooden piles
For miles they travelled
Wise men a-gasp
To try to stop
Her sinking fast

And then



Stood still
Leaning just so far until
She could lean no more …
Without exploding to the floor

And now they queue
Like humans do
To wonder at
This trick of nature

A stack of cup and saucers
On the head of the high trapeze

A tall giraffe
Bent upon her knees
As if shifted by the breeze

A tower of strength in Pisa

So if you choose
To travel there
Be sure that you take extra care
Buy trinkets sold on market stalls
A keepsake safe
In case she falls


Pisa Thoughts
Build me a tower
To bend and shake
That never falls
And just in case
I trip and make
My own mistakes

Know that I am
Only leaning
When barely seeing
Is still believing

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